Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 2 of the Court Session

        Day 2 of the court session, Sunday, the 23rd of April 2012. After the judge arrived announcing that the session will continue from where they’d stopped last time, calling Eileen Foster (Kawthar Al Sinaidi) who after swearing the oath of the bailiff, seemed prepared, ready, sure and serious in every answer she gave to the prosecuting team (Al Rayan). Even the defense council (Yaqeen) objected saying that Foster has been scripted with the answers but the objecting was over ruled.

        After that, Razan (member of the Defense council) stood and asked questions to Foster who remained calm and answered all questions, however, was not able to show any evidence that Mozilo committed insider trading. Michael Moore (Bushra Al Busaidi) was called as a witness after Foster, he swore the oath of the bailiff and was questioned by Fatima (member of the Prosecuting team), like Foster, Moore seemed calm and sure about every answer. The Defense council asked questions about Moore’s film that was made in 2009, saying that the information provided in the end of the film was false.

        The prosecution team the called Denis (Ghadeer) who swore the oath like the previous two and was questioned first by the prosecuting team (Al Rayan) and seemed a bit confused, then by the defense council (Shaima) who asked about what Denis has witnessed, the judge, however, replied the the prosecuting team should come back to the reported (Basma) for that answer later and that they should focus on more detailed questions to Denis. After that, Razan (defense council) started asking questions which made Denis seem even more confused and gave an answer that seemed to be not in favor of the prosecuting team.

        The defense council then called their witness and asked the judge if Angelo Mozilo could be dismissed, claiming that Mozilo has been to two courts before, the judge replied that she will look into that at a later time and took it into consideration. Frank (Muna), the defense council’s witness who’s an expert in mortgage loans and regulations swore the oath and Razan started questioning him, he seemed confident while being asked. Dareen from the prosecuting team then started questioning the witness, her questions seemed to confuse the witness which led to the defense council’s objection to the questions asked but the objection was over ruled.

                Finally the closing statements were presented to the ladies of the jury (Manal Al Busaidi, Maryam Barram and Asma Al Araimi) by both Dareen (Prosecuting team) and Razan (Defense counsil. The jury kept taking notes and were allowed to discuss the case and get to a decision which will hopefully be announced the next day the session is to be continued.


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