Monday, April 23, 2012

What exactly happened? (Day 2)

Amna: all rise.
Judge: please be seated. I call now the case of the United States v Angelo mozilo, hank Paulson and ben Bernanke I remind you that it’s we’re resuming from yesterdays session we were with ms Eileen foster. Let me remind you that your testimony is under
Judge: bailiff, please swear the witness
Amna: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Kawther: I swear
Judge:  ** i missed this out**
Rayan:  how much fraud was there at countrywide?
Kawther: from what I saw, the types of things I saw, it was it appeared systemic. It wasn’t just one individual or two or three individuals, it was branches of individuals, it was regions of individuals.
Rayan: do you believe the situation was just a way of doing a business
Kawther: yes
Rayan: what do you think was the intention of executives at countrywide?
Kawther: I think that the loan officers received bonuses, commissions
Rayan: were they committing any crimes
Kawther:  yes
Yaqeen: I object the witness has been scripted. She stated before you told her
Judge: I don’t understand
Yaqeen: she answered the question before it was asked
Judge:  please continue
Rayyan: the next day you were terminated right?
Kawther: yes
Rayyan: I mean like somebody at countrywide or bank of America did not want you to talk to federal regulation
Kawther: they absolutely did not
Rayyan: were you offered a settlement?
Kawther: they asked me to sign a 14 page document that basically would buy my silence in exchange for a large amount of money
Rayyan: did you sign it?
Kawther: no
Razan: I would like to ask kawther a few questions. Have you noticed any acts of insider trading in your company by Angelo?
Kawther:  Yes.
Razan: Can you state what you saw or heard
Kawther: I sent some team. They found some documents
Razan: What gave you the conclusion?
Kawther:  he’s the CEO. He was told
Razan: in documents? What your evidence
Judge: repeat your question, please.
Razan: I’d like to know what her solid evidence is.
Kawther: they offered e money because
Razan: we know that but my question is. What is your solid proof that Angelo. Who told you?
Shaima: she’s just assuming
Judge: it’s the juries’ job to decide
Fatma: I’d like to call Michele more
Amna: swear
Bushra: I swear
Fatma: can you please introduce yourself and your job?
Bushra: my name is Michael Moore and I am a filmmaker, author, social critic an activist.
Fatma: what led you to direct the movie Capitalism: a love story?
Bushra: because these defendants must be punished for all of the devastation and misery they’ve caused for crimes such as theft and insider trading
Fatma: did Hank Paulson give money to Goldman Sachs without taking a waiver from congress
Bushra: yes, he did not take the waiver from the congress
Fatma: Isn’t it illegal? Should they go to jail?
Bushra: yes, it’s illegal because crimed theft and insider trading
Yaqeen: I’d like to ask you when your film was produced
Yaqeen: some of your info at the end of the movie was incorrect. How is your movie reliable?
Yaqeen: what’s your job?
Bushra: a moviemaker
Yaqeen: Do you make money? What’s CEO’s job?
Bushra: to take money
Razan: I think my partner in the defense counsel. Did not make it as a statement it was meant to be a question.  You said that no CEOs and no bank were taken to court. Is that right?
Razan: We have evidence that Angelo was taken to court for two crimes. How do you respond to that?
Hawra: when?
Shaima: in April
Bushra: My film was produced in 2009
Razan: thanks
Rayyan: I’d like to call Dennis Kucinich
Amna: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Ghadeer:  I swear
Rayyan: to be clear what’s your name and please state your job
Ghadeer: Dennis Kucinich, im democratic representative of congress.
Razan: congress member
Rayyan: did hank palsaun did he consult you the congress, when gave Goldman Sachs the bailout?
Ghadeer: no, he took permission from office of ethics of treasury.
Rayyan: why did he insist on giving a bailout to Goldman Sachs even though he asked congress before they refused them?
Ghadeer: I guess the fact that he was an ex-CEO of Goldman was a major factor
Shaima: I would like to ask what he witnessed exactly.
Razan: you are a congress person. Correct?
Ghadeer: yes
Razan: you stated that Mr. Hank refused your votes or permission on what exactly
Ghadeer: ummmm
Razan: what did he refuse?
Ghadeer: he took the permission
Razan: was it necessary to take permission from your counsel to make the decision he made.
Ghadeer: yes
Razan: our first witness is frank
Shaima: we would like to dismiss Angelo. He was already in court in Los Angeles about insider trading; we’d like to dismiss him
Judge: Which court
Shaima and Razan: Federal court in LA
Judge: When?
Shaima: In 2009
Judge: And the charges were insider trading and fraud?
Shaima: It was only insider trading. But fraud he had a bailout
For now were prosecuting Angelo mozilo for insider trading he was innocent he dismissed the prisoned
Judge: May I ask the source
Shaima: It was in a newspaper article
Judge: I’ll take it to consideration
Dareen: they said in 2009 he was proced university the congristion improved this law of insider trading and defined it again and they said that the book was renewed and that case if it was in 2010 it would be considered 
Razan: there was a law in the future you still cannot
Judge: I won’t make it a decision right now ill takes it into consideration.
Amna: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Muna: I swear
Razan: we would like you to state your name and job
Muna: My name is Dennis.
Razan: and according to my information, you’re an expert in laws what do you think about the laws and regulations
Muna: there were too flexible
Razan: do you think that these laws that are too flexible. Have they contributed to cause the financial crisis?
Muna: They basically caused the financial crisis because they let the banks and companies do what they want to do
Razan: are they any new laws and regulations made to prevent charges as insider trading
Muna: according to the laws and regulation they did nothing illegal it was all present at that time
Dareen: you said there are flexible with the laws. Don’t you think the secretaries would know about those wouldn’t he have enough information to
Razan: I object. The prosecution attorney is referring to the abstract committed in moral and not illegal and she said that these laws cause people go around banks and companies and these are the laws and they can’t do anything about them.
Judge: she’s just asking.
Dareen: grad theft and insider trading is defined from the federal website the taking of another property and  that’s then and now that were in a us courts its up to the juries how long the as a trading of stocks and companies to avoid the negalities that . I surly know that you know but how about the victims they have lost they’re money house they gained and others lost their homes and money and lifelong money and these three defendant have gained their money, these defense councils tried to show that they did nothing wrong. Its illogical that everyone has lost how did this happened and why these men are considered the. We believe that they were the reason. And to truly nvestigate their faults to this matter,
Razan: I would like to address you to defend our defendants against the charges
1)      Thy did not do anything illegal it was basically immoral that happened because the laws and regulations were too fixable and they allow these actions to be taken by the defendant. There was nothing illegal it was immoral president (credit swaps) (1995) which added pressure in ow income neighborhood and people could not afford them and why could they not do
2)      One of the chargers that hank and Bernanke committed theft and they said that it granted the bailout money which goldman Sachs. There is no problem because it’s one of his duties and they crashed down you don’t look at the people who by pumping money into them
3)      Mr. Angelo has already gone to court for insider trading in april 2009 and that was a double jeopardy as he was let out innocent even if the law changed recently. And that’s our closing statement.

Judge: ladies of the jury. You are judges of the facts of this case. You are to determine what the facts are by understanding the evidence of each witness. You must also decide whether the witness was reliable and trustworthy. You should discuss all issues between yourselves and carefully weigh the evidence to decide the final verdict. We all need three final verdicts, one on each defendant. You may retire to the jury room to deliberate. First pick one of you as the leader of your group. Please let the bailiff know when you have reached the verdict…… Bailiff, please take charge of the jury.

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